- The calf should be born in a clean, dry secure place
- All sick animals should be isolated from where the cows are birthing
- Pathogens from the urine. feces and spoiled feed can lead to diseases in calf
- Even if the calf has had plenty of high standard colostrum they can still get sick from unsanitary environment
- Utensils used in feeding should be kept clean
The calf must get colostrum within the first few hours of life.
The calves first feed will be the colostrum form the Mother.
Colostrum intake is crucial to ensure the survival of young calves.
Much of the mortality in calves can be linked to improper colostrum management by farmers.Colostrum is the milk the cow produces during the first few days of the calves life.The calf needs this colostrum for the essential nutrients it is high in energy, protein, vitamins and minerals. It has proteins and peptides that have great biological purposes. Most importantly it has immunoglobulins which transfers passive immunity to the calf to fight infection.
If the calf has had a prolonged and difficult birth and is too weak or tired to suck you should milk the cow and feed the calf with a stomach tube the colostrum. Try if possible to get the calf to drink from a calf bottle if you are nervous using the stomach tube.
If the cow has no milk or you are dealing with an orphan there is powder colostrum that you can buy from the farm shop.
Naval Care
The naval of the calf should be trimmed and dipped or sprayed with iodine.This naval spray will disinfect the naval and ward of infections.It will also dry out the naval.If the naval has not dried after a few hours reapply the naval spray/dip.
When the newborn calf is born ensure that he is breathing well and that there is no afterbirth complicating its breathing. You can tickle its nose with straw to remove any mucus.
If it has been a difficult birth or the cow is not able to lick the calf you can dry the calf with a towel.Vigorous drying around the shoulder and neck encourages breathing and regulation of body temperature
You should ensure that the calf is able to suckle of the cow before you leave for best farm management.
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